Where Nephrologists & Trainees Transform Kidney Care Together
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KIDNEYcon Perspective From a Graduating Fellow Entering Practice

“I attended multiple nephrology conferences last year and KIDNEYcon definitely stood out to me as one of the most enjoyable. It is scheduled as a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday conference which made getting away from work much easier. I loved the way the conference was organized, with workshops and valuable educational content. I attended a workshop on communication (NephroTalk) and really enjoyed practicing communication techniques with other nephrologists, developing specific techniques that I continue to apply in my day-to-day practice. Throughout the conference I also learned more about hepatorenal syndrome, kidney stones, and some of the latest initiatives in nephrology medical education. The size of the conference made it easy to get to get to know the other participants, including many who I had interacted with in the social media realm and was happy to meet in person. It was also fun to explore Little Rock and overall I left feeling very inspired. I can't wait to attend the 2019 conference, and hopefully for many years to come.”

Diana Mina, MD (@DiMiRenalMD)
Dallas Renal Group
Dallas, TX

PeopleMatt Sparks